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Smeeth Community Primary School home page

Smeeth Community Primary School

After School Club

Smeeth After School Club is run by Play Place - Monday to Friday from 3.15pm to 6.00pm (Term Time Only)


Mission Statement

The After School Club aims to provide stimulating activities, which will develop the children, within a safe, caring play-led environment.


Activities on Offer

The Club plans a wide range of activities, including cookery and healthy living, arts and crafts, outside game sessions, competitions, music etc. Plans are always available and parents are invited to see what is happening!


How to Book a Place

Places at the After School Club must be booked in advance by contacting the Senior Club Co-ordinator, Mrs Guntripp. Before attending, an enrolment form must be completed and signed by the parent (available by contacting Mrs Guntripp). Please make sure that any emergency details are correct, and if they change, or the days you request change, please complete a new form.


All requests for places will be confirmed by the Senior Club Co-ordinator. Spaces will be issued on a first come, first served basis.


Contact Number: 07709 276375

