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Smeeth Community Primary School

Lunch Menus

We have an exciting lunchtime experience happening at Smeeth! We firmly believe that eating should be a social time, with a calm and beautiful environment in which to enjoy healthy delicious food, and a focus on lovely manners. We enjoy our lunch over two sittings, which gives us time to eat properly and more space to enjoy eating with our friends. From the very first day our youngest children join us, they choose a seat, set out their place settings and pour their own water. On our tables they will find pretty tablecloths, white china and glasses, with good quality cutlery to eat with. There are bread baskets for sharing, and a salad bar in the middle of the room from which the children can (and do!) help themselves to a wide variety of healthy and delicious salads and vegetables. Our lovely chefs, Melina and Carly, go out of their way to create tempting dishes and even allow taste tests when they have designed something new. There is an extensive variety of dishes for even the fussiest of eaters and our lunchtimes are an experience that the children really look forward to! Pictures coming soon, so watch this space!


Nourish are our provider for school meals which are cooked on site here at Smeeth School. We ask that school dinners be paid for in advance. Children in Year R, 1 and 2 receive free meals and we will assume all children in these year groups will have a school dinner unless we are informed to the contrary.


Click here to view the April to Oct 2024 menu