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Smeeth Community Primary School

EYFS and Curriculum

Smeeth Community Primary School are very proud of our OUTSTANDING grading for our EYFS provision with Ofsted - July 2023


"Pupils develop their reading from the very beginning of Reception Year. The reading curriculum is well planned. Pupils learn phonics (letters and the sounds they represent) quickly. They enjoy reading and develop a passion for reading as they move through the school. Leaders ensure that reading is a significant part of almost every task or activity. Pupils achieve well in reading."


"In early years, the seven areas of development are planned well. Children build on what they know and can do. Teachers closely monitor children’s development and make changes to the curriculum when children fall behind. Children leave early years well prepared for key stage 1. Reading is a priority. Parents help children in their reading by reading books with them at home. This is recorded in their reading journals. Children quickly develop a love of books."

Robins Class Teacher: Mrs Matson

Robins Class TA: Mrs Browne


What does learning in Early Years at Smeeth Community Primary School look like?

Smeeth EYFS Progression of Knowledge and Skills

'The Curiosity Curriculum'

Supporting Skills in Play-Based Areas

Early Learning Goals & End Points 


Early Years Into Key Stage 1 

The transition into Key Stage 1 can be both an extremely exciting but scary time for children. At Smeeth School, we work tirelessly to ensure that our children are ready for this change and that transition is as smooth as possible! In the first 2 weeks of September, Miss Gourlay and Mrs Leney does regular 'pop ins' to the Year 1 class to support all children with this change. We also ensure that continuous provision continues for the first term to ease the children into their next class.

Please click on the document below to see how we ensure that our curriculum allows for a smooth transition and how we get our foundation cohort as ready as possible for the National Curriculum! 

Parent Voice


"Getting an Evidence-Me notification makes my day! I love seeing what my child is getting up to at school and we enjoy looking at the pictures from school and talking about it in the evening." 


"Love that early years is very much focused on the children's interests and that is used to reinforce learning through play. Forest school is always a blast!" 


Child Voice


"I like to learn about life cycles and we have caterpillars that we get to look at. They'll be butterflies soon!" Ariya - Year R

"I love school because I have lots of friends and I love my teachers and they love me"

Koko - Year R 

"I loved being in Robins class because you learn so much, like reading and how to count. I remember when we used to go out  into the woods and do things like art and drawing all the bluebells in the Spring time" Bertie - Year 2


Our Local Communities Voice


"Seeing the little ones with the older children dropping harvest packages around the village is such a great tradition and I'm so glad to see that it hasn't been lost in today's busy life"


"We all loved having the school's Reception class come into our establishment and ask us lots of questions around what we do for the community. We were so surprised at how good the questions were for such little people!"

Further Information for Parents

If you would like to read more around the Early Years Foundation Stage, then head to the website via the link below!