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Smeeth Community Primary School home page

Smeeth Community Primary School

Eagles (Y5 & Y6)

Welcome to Eagles Class

Please look on here often in order to find out what we got up to, examples of excellent work, as well as for homework, letters and topic webs.


Eagles Class Teacher: Mrs Cox & Miss Sampson

Eagles TA: Mrs Guntripp / HLTA: Mrs Leney


Current Eagles Stars

Star of the Week: Blake for great attention to detail with your sculpture!

Super Speller: Elliott for great vocabulary work today!

International Week 2024-2025

 B R A Z I L

Term 3 Class Text: Goodnight Mister Tom

This term, the children will read the iconic 'Goodnight Mr Tom' by Michelle Magorian.

At home, you may like to research this period of time and bring your extra knowledge to our lessons! Feel free to bring in any research, pictures, stories, or pictures from this time. 

See below for a reading comprehension you can do at home for this book and have a read of this chapter to make a head start with the story! yes

How to help your child with Comprehension

This week, we celebrated our Harvest Festival! Eagles class beautifully sang our song "Harvest of Love" and many of the children presented classes and performed poems in front of a large audience. As part of our school annual tradition, our Yr6 children took their new YrR buddies into the village and delivered the generous harvest donations and loved every minute! Please scroll through to see these photos. 


Making Maps (2d section)

This term, Eagles class have been exploring and experimenting with different types of typography. The children have loved this topic and thoroughly enjoyed creating their own maps, using different type faces on large cartridge paper, different pencils and charcoal!

Mummifying a Tomato!

This term in history, Eagles have been learning about ancient Egypt. To learn about the process of mummification we became embalmers ourselves and followed most of the steps to mummify a tomato (unfortunately we couldn't pull out the brains of a tomato with a hook!) 

We will check our mummified tomatoes later on in the term.