Eagles (Y5 & Y6)
Welcome to Eagles Class
Please look on here often in order to find out what we got up to, examples of excellent work, as well as for homework, letters and topic webs.
Eagles Class Teacher: Mrs Cox & Miss Sampson
Eagles TA: Mrs Guntripp / HLTA: Mrs Leney
Current Eagles Stars
Star of the Week: Vienna for reading so nicely to an adult!
Super Speller: Olivia for persevering when using a dictionary!
Topic Web and Letter To Parents
How to help your child with Comprehension
This term, Eagles class have been exploring and experimenting with different types of typography. The children have loved this topic and thoroughly enjoyed creating their own maps, using different type faces on large cartridge paper, different pencils and charcoal!
Making Maps (2d section)
Mummifying a Tomato!
This term in history, Eagles have been learning about ancient Egypt. To learn about the process of mummification we became embalmers ourselves and followed most of the steps to mummify a tomato (unfortunately we couldn't pull out the brains of a tomato with a hook!)
We will check our mummified tomatoes later on in the term.