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Smeeth Community Primary School


Special Educational Needs



Inclusion & Special Educational Needs & Disability (SEND)

A child or young person has SEND if they have a learning difficulty or disability which calls for special educational provision to be made for him or her.


At Smeeth Community Primary School, we make provision for every kind of frequently occurring special educational need and we are able to meet the needs of the majority of our children. On occasion, it may be necessary to request additional support/funding where the needs of the child are more complex/severe and this may be formalised through an Education and Health Care Plan (EHCP). This process is carried out in partnership with parents and carers.


All decisions relating to SEND are made in line with the SEND Code of Practice. Some children are identified with SEND before entry to Smeeth Community Primary School and others will be identified as they progress through the school.


Children may be identified by parents/carers, Class Teachers and Teaching Assistants or through outside agencies eg. SALTs, CAMHS, medical services or the Early Years/Early Intervention Teams. Ongoing assessment data and analysis may also identify individual children or vulnerable groups that may require additional support or further assessment. Once identified children may be placed on the School's SEND register as School Support or they will be monitored by Class teacher/ SENCO/ Senior Leadership Team. Children on the SEND register will have a 'personalised plan' in place, which will be reviewed with professionals and parents a minimum of 3 times a year.


Appropriate interventions are implemented and reviewed through provision mapping for children with SEND.


The provision map will also include other groups of children who may require additional focus or support. Some children may require very specific programmes of intervention to meet individual needs. Class teachers are responsible for the education of the children in their class but they may be guided by other agencies and the Local Inclusion ForumTeam (LIFT).


The nominated SENCO at Smeeth Primary School is:     Mrs K Cox


Mrs Cox can be contacted on 


Further details can be found in our SEN & Disability Policy and appointments to meet with SENCO can be made through the School Office.


Click here to view our SEND Policy


Term 1 / 2 Update 

Please click on the following link to watch an online webinar supporting Anxiety. 

This video was developed by Kent Educational Psychology Service (KEPS), the PRU, Inclusion and Attendance Service (PIAS)and Early Help.)


Please click on the following link to watch a fantastic, informative video around Dyslexia.

This area of need is supported through the 'Mainstream Core Standards' and is supported through good quality teaching.

If you have any concerns regarding this or feel your child may have dyslexia, please come and speak to Mrs Cox.

Mainstream Core Standards Guide for Parents

KCC's Local Offer

Useful Links and Information