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Smeeth Community Primary School

Reception 2023/24

Robins have all survived the muddy wet winter and i hope your washing machines have too! 

Looking back through the photos the children have been so busy learning not only about the natural environment but also how to support and play with each other with kindness and respect.  Listening to their friends ideas, offering their own, along with feeling confident if they just want to follow their own interests that's fine too.

Robins will continue their Forest School Sessions during their time in Year 1 and I look forward to continuing facilitating their learning. 

Robins have settled in very well into their weekly Forest School Sessions, they've enjoyed exploring the different areas -  the dig pit (the main culprit in the amount of mud on clothing), mud kitchen, den building, bug hunting, swinging hammocks, rope swings, the slack line, mud slide, climbing on the platform or up a tree or using tools such as the bow saw, peelers, palm or hand drills to create bird feeders etc.  They have had the opportunity to spend time not only in the sunshine at the end of summer but they embraced everything autumn brought and now are run out with gusto to their  winter sessions!  As you can see from the pictures the children keep themselves very busy and have the opportunity to investigate and learn in their time outdoors.