Woodpeckers (Y2 & Y3)
Welcome to Woodpeckers Class
Please look on here often in order to find out what we got up to, examples of excellent work, as well as for homework, letters and topic webs.
Woodpeckers Class Teacher: Mrs Reeves
Woodpeckers TA: Mrs Hart
Current Woodpeckers Stars
Star of the week: Parker - Excellent team work and always thinking of others.
Speller of the week: Jacob - Perfect score in the last two spelling tests
Christmas Jumper Day in Woodpeckers'!
Forest School Fun!
We were lucky enough to spend some time outdoors and take part in different Forest School activities! These included playing on the zip line, making a snowman decoration, making and eating s'mores and enjoying a cup of hot chocolate! We had the best time!
Panto Trip!
We are loving Gymnastics this term. Can you hold any of these positions?
Term Two
The Stone Age
Our topic in Term 1 has been 'The Stone Age'. We spent a lesson re-creating models of Stonehenge using different resources and equipment.
PSHE - Roleplay!
We have been looking at 'Families and Relationships' in PSHE this term. One of our lessons focused on 'effective communication'. Here we are playing a game of Charades to understand different ways of communicating to each other.
Term One
Recommended Reading Books