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Smeeth Community Primary School

Kingfishers (Y4 & Y5)

Welcome to Kingfishers Class

Please look on here often in order to find out what we got up to, examples of excellent work, as well as for homework, letters and topic webs.

Current Kingfishers Stars

Star of the week:    Elodie

Speller of the week: Jeffrey

Oliver! Costume List

Topic web for term 6

Year 4 Spellings Term 4 Week 3- 

1. level                               11.cancel

2. vowel                             12. mussel

3. novel                              13. morsel

4. camel                             14. snorkel

5. model                            15. sequel

6. marvel                           16. yodel

7. tunnel                            17. cockerel

8. barrel                             18. scoundrel

9. travel                              19. forward 

10. towel                            20. forwards 

Year 5 Spellings Term 4 Week 3- 

1. negate                               11.originate

2. decorate                            12. aggravate

3. pollinate                             13. vaccinate

4. frustrate                             14. participate

5. activate                              15. invalidate

6. captivate                            16. speculate

7. hibernate                           17. culminate

8. complicate                         18. appreciate

9. formulate                           19. familiar

10. circulate                           20. foreign

Multiplication Practice 

Ice Skating!

Team Building!

Kingfishers had a wonderful time in PE. They were solving problems by working together as a team. The adults were really pleased to see how the children supported and helped each other. The celebrations at the end were well deserved!

Conscience Alley!

In English today, we completed a conscience alley discussing if James should climb through the tunnel or not! 

At the end of the tunnel, James decided to climb through.