At Smeeth, we assess children informally as we teach, and formal assessments are made three times a year. SEN children are formally assessed six times a year. We teach children following the National Curriculum, and are currently designing a bespoke Smeeth curriculum to ensure that the progression of skills from Early Years to Year 6 is knowledge-rich, inspires learning and embedded throughout their time at primary school.
How will we report to Parents?
We will report to parents in the similar system used in the Early Years and Foundation Stage. We will use the terms emerging, expected and exceeding when reporting your child's progress:
- Emerging – your child has begun to achieve some of the subject expectations for their age.
- Expected – your child has reached the subject expectations for their age and continues to acquire more.
- Exceeding – your child has securely reached expectations for their age and is applying their skills and knowledge across the curriculum.
Target Tracker
At Smeeth School, we have chosen to use Target Tracker, a programme designed to accurately assess children on an individual level. In this way, we can ensure formative assessment (informs next teaching steps) as well as summative assessment (current point in progress).
The children are given individual targets every half-term, so that they can understand and discuss what they are working on.
During the year, when we have conversations with you about your child’s progress you will be told whether your child is on track to meet the end of year expectations.
Reporting to parents
We report to parents formally four times a year: at Parents' Evenings held in the Autumn and Spring terms, an interim report in Term 4 and a full annual report in July. In addition, we also run on an 'open door' policy, which means you are welcome to make additional appointments should you need to.
If you have any questions about your child's progress, or simply wish to chat along the way, please do let us know - we will be happy to help you support your child's learning journey in any way we can.