Celebration Assembly
Our Friday Celebration Assembly "STARS OF THE WEEK" - Friday 3rd March 2017
These are children who have achieved something special this week which we wish to celebrate. Each child's name is read out in Celebration Assembly and they receive a Certificate.
Our STARS OF THE WEEK - Friday 3rd March 2017
Josephina - for modelling how she did her maths challenge to the rest of the class.
Mylo - for a great effort in all your work this week!
Emily - for showing excellent drama skills in Literacy this week.
Ruby - for a fantastic attitude to learning and for always smiling.
Eva - for fantastic attitude to writing.
Well done to all the children who received Times Tables Awards this week and to Jay who received his Level 10 Certificate for Toe by Toe. Heidi received a medal for raising money for charity during a recent Colour Run.
Well done to all the children above for showing me your wonderful work and behaviour! I am proud of you all. Keep this up!
Mrs Flack