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Smeeth Community Primary School

New News Story - Year 3 and 4 Dodgeball Tournament

Some very eager Smeeth Dodgers took part in a friendly Dodgeball competition at the Towers School on Tuesday 2nd October. Despite the crowded and hot environment, the players all had fun and represented the school brilliantly with their behaviour and sportsmanship.

We got off to a great start winning our first game with four of our players still 'in' at the end. However, after that we came up against some very good teams. Lucas played well throughout, catching two people out in one game, ably supported by Dylan and Milo. Dylan was our only player still 'in' at the end of any of the other games, so well done.

The girls were great, maturely deciding who would be sub in each of the games; an excellent example of teamwork. Ava-Lula lasted a long time in several games, keeping our team in the game. Evie was almost dancing as she dodged the balls, with Lily and Storm firing the balls back at the opposition.