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Smeeth Community Primary School

Eagles (Y5 and 6)

Current Stars in Eagles

Star of the Week - Dylan for his Sports Day performance

Super Spellers - Lucas for his SpellingShed performance

TT Rockstars - Hayden


Battle Results

This week Eagles won both the TT Rockstars Battle and SpellingShed.

Welcome to Eagles Class

Please look on here often in order to find out what we have got up, examples of excellent work, as well as for homework, letters and topic webs.



The Leavers videos are in the Video Resource Centre.

Cool Hoodies, thanks parents

Y6 Summer Fair

Eagles Class created a super Summer Fair for the rest of the school to enjoy. Please see the other class pages for photos as we were busy hosting!

We raised £223 for the PFS. Thank you for all your donations.

Please visit the Video Resource Centre for some videos of our Sports Day.

After making boats during Home Learning in Science, today we got to race them off in a time trial.
Have a look at the video Daniel made using his night camera to record different animals; it is awesome.

WWII Propaganda Posters

Topic Homework Models - machines of WWII

Y6 PSHE Dragon's Den ideas

The Barbie doll has an Alzheimer's jumper, with fidget toys on the sleeves, and strokable buttons.

The Happy Woofer shoots out balls for dogs when home alone.

A redesigning of old t-shirts.

A keyring to keep track of teenagers.

Handbags made out of old shirts.

Turn Down the Lights

The children have practiced very hard for their performance of Turn Down the Lights, and were singing it so beautifully as a whole class. Unfortunately, a few children were missing on video day, but we know they were singing alongside us from afar.

Please click on the link below to the Video Resource Centre to watch the video.

Josh - the Shut the Box Champion

Superb Sounds, Perfect Poems and Cool Children

All the entries we sent off to the Perculiar Pets poetry competition have been chosen to be published in the Young Writers Anthology.

Your child has brought home a letter where you need to follow the instructions to give Young Writers the permission to print your child's work, and information on how you can order the book. I would suggest families get together and combine their orders to reduce the cost wink

Remembrance Poetry

House Captains

Sports Captains


Conker Day

Phoebe C’s Pyramids

We were really lucky to have a visit from the Zulu Dance Nation and learnt some new moves. Check out the pictures above and the videos via the link below: