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Smeeth Community Primary School home page

Smeeth Community Primary School

Robins (Yr R)

Welcome to the Robins Class Page! 

Please scroll down for further information, pictures and videos of our lovely class playing, growing and learning together!

Thank you,

Miss Gourlay 

Robins Class Teacher 

2021 EYFS Curriculum

Please click on the documents below for further information regarding the changes to the 2021 EYFS Curriculum. Our fun and engaging curriculum is embedded through our topics: 'All About Me', 'Festivals and Celebrations', 'Fairytales', 'People Who Help Us', 'Growing Together' and 'Animals Near and Far'. In keeping with statutory requirements, we are proud to celebrate our own 'Smeeth EYFS Curriculum' which explores children's personal, 'on the spot' interests within these topics! Please see the EYFS Page for further information, such as our Yearly Overview and Topic Webs.

What Will My Child Be Learning This Term?

Please see the topic web below to see what the Robins will be learning this term. This document includes all areas of the EYFS curriculum and is a basic outline of what we shall be doing. In Robins, we teach through a 'personalised learning' approach and follow the children's interests! So although there is a lot of information on the document below, if your child shows particular fascinations in anything, then we would love to adapt our planning and environment to best support this!

September Transition 

Please click on the document below to see transition times and dates.

 If you need further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me on:

Robins Class 2021-2022

Well done on your first week of school! We have had so much fun and I know that we are going to have a great year together!

Please have a glance through the slideshow below to see pictures of the children's first week!

Year 6 Buddies 

Today, Robins met their Year 6 buddies! These are children who will help guide the reception children through their first year at school. We can't wait to play with our new friends soon! See you on the playground Year 6!

Term 1 Forest School 

Every Wednesday Mrs. Leney will be leading a Forest School morning with Miss. Willmore! In these sessions

children will learn valuable skills and lessons through the great outdoors. 

The children can now build shelters and do Nordic Braiding! 

Exploring Smeeth Village: Making Blackberry Jam!

This week, children made their own blackberry jam! Firstly, we explored Smeeth village and picked lots of yummy blackberries. We had lots of fun using our senses to explore our local area. Can you remember what you saw in the village? What did you hear, taste, smell, feel? 

Then, we followed a picture recipe and made our delicious jam! Yum-yum!

After filling our glass jars, we then decorated them and creating lid covers. 

Well done Robins, we will spend lots of time exploring and learning from the great outdoors this year, and each time you will become more and more independent! Soon, you'll be leading the grown ups. Thank you for such a fun experience! 


Learning with our Buddies!

This week in Maths, we have been learning how to match! We showed off our matching skills to our Year 6 buddies in a boot hunt game, a matching pattern game and finished off with some fun reading!

Delivering The Harvest Food Parcels!

This week we have been learning about harvest time, what it means and how we can help our local community. We learnt the word 'charity' and talked about how we can be charitable. We loved exploring our local area and delivering the parcels with our buddies because we got to chat to some of our lovely, kind neighbours! 

Our First Conker Day!

We had so much fun at our first conker experience. I now know how to thread my conker and I can teach my grown ups how to play this game!


Douglas' First Day in Robins!

To finish off a wonderful first term, Robins got to meet their new classmate, Douglas! 

Douglas is a 5 month old, chocolate brown cockapoo and lives at Miss Gourlay's house. 

He loves walks, cuddles, treats and after today, all of his new friends in Robins class!

Douglas can't wait to come and help the children in robins learn again next term. 

Term 2 - Festivals and Celebrations!

Please see the Term 2 Topic Web below. As always, we adapt our teaching and environment to the children in Robins interests. This runs alongside our curriculum and is most likely seen through the enhanced play areas and during Investigation and Discovery (ID) time! :)

Science Week

Ice gardens

Robins produced beautiful ice gardens using natural materials. They explored how water turns to ice when it’s frozen and investigated whether their objects floated or sank. They hung the ice gardens outside and noted how they melted during the day. It was lots of fun!

Forest School at the Deer Park

Robins had great fun visiting the deer park for Forest School. They re-enacted ‘We’re going on a bear hunt’ through the different environments. They even considered wading through a huge puddle to make the ‘splash splosh’ sound, but it was just too deep! 

Term 2 - Forest School


Trip to Smeeth Church

Robins went for a chilly walk to Smeeth Church to look carefully at the building. They noticed different features of the church and compared it to a Hindu temple. We spoke about the differences between these 2 religions in our UTW sessions and children spoke about what festivals and celebrations you would celebrate at this church and alternatively what ones you might celebrate at a Hindu temple!

Frozen comes to Smeeth!

To celebrate our wonderful winter season, Robins spent the morning on our ice rink. They quickly got the hang of it and dazzled us with their new skills. Afterwards they warmed up with hot chocolate and marshmallows! Thank you Ms. Payne  and the PFS for our special winter treat!

Christmas Jumper Day!

Robins all wore lovely Christmas jumpers today which went beautifully with the hats they made to wear to the Christmas Dinner!

Christmas Forest School!

Robins enjoyed lots of Christmas activities during Forest School this week! They used a variety of tools to make their craft objects!

Term 3 - Fairytales! 

Please see the Term 3 Topic Web below. As always, we adapt our teaching and environment to the children in Robins interests. This runs alongside our curriculum and is most likely seen through the enhanced play areas and during Investigation and Discovery (ID) time! :)

Personalised Learning in EYFS - Learning through our own interests!

When exploring the sand station this week, the children been discussing and creating volcanoes! We spoke about what a volcano is and the features of them. Children then began to explore caves, like the one found in 'We're Going On a Bear Hunt', one of our favourite stories! We learnt that volcanoes are not just in other countries! We have them in the United Kingdom too! 

Maybe you could ask your child at home:

- Where might we go to look at a Volcano?

- Can you remember what is inside volcanoes? 

- What words can you think of when I say volcano?

- Where might we go to look at caves?

- Can you remember the names of any caves here in England?

Making houses!

As part of our 'Fairytales' topic, Robins created their own beautiful houses from junk modelling materials. The children used their knowledge from The Three Little Pigs to decide what imaginary materials they might like to use. They then used their own imagination and knowledge from houses they have seen before to finish their creations!

Robins orchestra!

Robins used instruments to tell the story of Jack and the Beanstalk. They worked together as an orchestra to add sound effects to the story.

Afterwards they became a walking band, being careful to stick to the beat of the march. 
It was a beautifully noisy afternoon! 


As part of our learning about Jack and the Beanstalk we learnt about the life cycle of a bean plant. Then we planted our own beans. Hopefully we will find a magical land at the top of ours too, like Jack!

Chinese New Year!

We are having so much fun learning about Chinese New Year and are confident to share our knowledge with our friends and family! Please see the slideshows below to see what we have been doing in school!

The Dragon Dance!

Chinese New Year

Cornflake cookies

As part of our learning about Chinese New Year Robins made cornflake cookies. They measured out the ingredients and stirred the mixture. They tasted delicious! 

Term 4 - People Who Help Us!

Please see the Term 4 Topic Web below. We are so pleased that this topic has finally arrived! We cannot wait to meet our interesting visitors and go on local trips, exploring our beautiful community, this term!


As always, we adapt our teaching and environment to the children in Robins interests. This runs alongside our curriculum and is most likely seen through the enhanced play areas and during Investigation and Discovery (ID) time! :)

World Book Day!

We have had such a great book day at Smeeth School! In Robins, we especially loved role playing in our outdoor library and making our own library cards! A big thank you to all of our wonderful parents for providing such lovely costumes. 

"The more that you read, the more that you will know. 

The more that you learn, the more places you will go!"

- Dr Seuss


Visit to the local hairdresser and post office!

Robins visited the local hairdresser and post office to find out about their jobs. They had great questions to ask and learned lots about ‘people who help us’. 

How do farmers help us?

Robins walked to the local farm to talk to the farmers about how they help us. The met goats and cows. They learned how we get milk from these animals. They asked the farmers some great questions and listened carefully to the answers. Well done, Robins!

Emergency Vehicles!

Robins spent the afternoon decorating their models. They had fun choosing paints and collage materials to build ambulances, police cars and fire engines.

Visit from a Paediatric Nurse!

Robins welcomed a special visitor into the class. They asked him questions about his job as part of their learning about ‘people who help us’, and also learnt about his hearing impairment as part of their religious education topic. Thank you for visiting us! 


We have had such an amazing morning, learning about how to keep our brains (or our super computers!) healthy and functioning! We learnt about the importance of a balanced diet, staying hydrated, resting, exercise and limited screen time! We learnt that we are all FANTASTIC! Thank you so much to our special visitors for putting on an amazing show for us. Click on the link below to see a video of us learning!

A visit from our Community Warden: Peter! 

A big thank you to Peter, our community warden for coming in and speaking to us this afternoon! We have learned lots about how you help us by keeping us safe outside of school and making sure that we have a lovely community to live in. Thank you for answering our MANY questions! :)

Pond dipping!

Robins spent the afternoon enjoying pond dipping. Once they caught some creatures, they used their identification charts to name them. They mostly found snails, water beetles and pond skaters.

The Queen's Platinum Jubilee 2022

We have had the most amazing day celebrating the Queen's Platinum Jubilee! We had a lovely afternoon tea party on the school field with our friends across the school.

Queen Elizabeth ll and Prince Charles even made a special appearance!


Term 6

Animals Near & Far / Moving On

This term will be our last in Robins! Wow, how time flies! It only seems like yesterday where the children were coming in for their transition days - fast forward to now - where our class is full of enthusiastic, hard-working, joyful learners who enjoy playing, growing and learning together!

This term, our topic focuses on animals around the world! We will learn about different species, habitats and continents! 

We can't wait to spend this last term with our lovely Robins Class 2021-2022 :)


Star Of The Week!

Each week, Robins will go to Celebration Assembly and see all of the children in the school. Here, we will celebrate children's individual and class achievements together. Each class will be rewarded a 'Star of the Week' certificate and if you receive this in Robins then you get to take our class bunny 'Buster' home for the weekend! Well done to...

Week 1: Jack Hughes 

Week 2: Imogen Hardiman 

Week 3: Freddy Nash 

Week 4: Louie Frake

Week 5: George Finn

Week 6: Reggie Baker

Week 7:

Week 8: Verity Uden

Week 9: Elliott Brown

Week 10: All of the Robins for planting our fruit trees.

Week 11: James Cork for trying his best in everything and showing great perseverance.

Week 12: Oscar Campbell for having a great attitude to your reading at school and at home!

Week 13: Savannah Turk for always trying her best in phonics.

Week 14: Cody for remembering to use '+' when writing a number sentence.

Week 15: All Robins for celebrating Chinese New Year

Week 16: Phoenix for making a great book of people who help us and Teddy for his amazing reading.

Week 17: Suki for her increased level of self-confidence and April for being a star reader.

Week 18: April for her good maths work and Oscar for writing his name.

Week 19: Sophia for listening to instructions and sitting nicely during carpet time.

Week 20: Everyone for all their hard work in our topic about people who help us.

Week 21: Oscar for his great progress with reading his books.

Week 22: Jack for creating a wonderful butterfly booklet.

Week 23: Edwin for creating a wonderful 'Hungry Caterpillar' booklet.

Week 24: Imogen for writing a wonderful story, using lots of blue tricky stars this week.

Week 25: Cody for trying very hard with his handwriting this week.

Week 26: Elliott for having a fantastic attitude to everything he does.

Week 27: Sophia for fantastic writing in phonics this week and for remembering all of her sounds in her sentences!

Week 28: Jacob for great number recognition to 20 in Bingo

Week 29: April for an amazing chicken life cycle booklet.

Week 30: George for remembering diagraphs and trigraphs in phonics.

Week 31: All of the Robins for being totally amazing all year.