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Smeeth Community Primary School

Woodpeckers (Y2 and 3)

Hello Woodpeckers!

Welcome back to Term 6...we hope you had a fantastic half term and are all ready for some home learning! smiley 


All activities will be posted on Seesaw and our Class Page on the website.  Activities will be uploaded in the morning ready for the day ahead. If you have an questions or require further explanation regarding a subject, please talk to us directly through Seesaw or send us an email and we will get back to you. 


Please see our Home Learning Timetable below. This is an outline of how a full school week will look.


The children's user details for TT Rockstars and Numbots are the same as their Purple Mash details. This is new for the children so please read the letter and sit with them to begin with.


If you are stuck Spelling Shed, TT Rockstars, Read Theory or just reading a good book are brilliant!


Mrs Hobby and Mrs Reeves

Willow's Lockdown Rap

Still image for this video
One of Woodpecker's home learning lesson this week was to write a song or rap. Here is DJ Willow's very own Lockdown Rap complete with mic drop!

Woodpecker's Home Learning!

Our Woodpecker's have been working super hard at home (and school!) with their home learning tasks! This week's art lesson involved making a plant image using outdoor materials (or indoor resources if they could not go outside!). This is some of their AMAZING, INCREDIBLE work! We are so proud of you Woodpeckers! smiley

Home Learning Timetable- Term 5

Here is the home school timetable we suggest you stick to for Term 5. We will be uploading work to the class page and SeeSaw at the allotted time for the lesson. Once you have completed it, please upload it to Seesaw so we can comment on it!

We miss you all! Take care and stay safe!


Mrs Hobby and Mrs Reeves

Here are all the activities you need for today. PSHE is accessible through Purple Mash. Please upload what you do to Seesaw so I can see it and mark it smiley
Here is your work for this afternoon. Please upload to Seesaw. If you finish early then please feel free log into Read Theory, Purple Mash or TT Rockstars.

Is a really good maths activity site for year 3, created by a key note speaker at this year's Maths Leaders Conference. These are problem solving activities to demonstrate application of maths skills; a key part of children being true mathematicians. 

There are a couple of activities for year 2 too.

English - 15.01.20 - Hot-Seating!


As part of our volcano topic this term, we are looking at the book Escape From Pompeii. Today we pretended to be one of the characters from the book. We took it in turns to think of some questions to ask our partner and they had to answer as their chosen character. Below are some pictures of us during the lesson!

Science - 9.10.19 - Muscles

In Science year 3 have been looking at bones and muscles. Today we were exploring

what muscles we use for different movements. We finished our lesson with investigating reaction times for the people in our groups. We did this by holding a metre stick above our fists and dropping it, we had to grab the stick and measure how far the stick fell before we had grabbed hold of it.

Maths - 24.09.19 - Ordering Numbers


Today year 2 were ordering numbers. We worked in groups and used place value counters to each make our own 2-digit number. We then worked together to put our numbers in order from smallest to greatest or greatest to smallest.

English Lesson 16.09.19 - Fiction VS. Non-Fiction


Today we were learning the differences between fiction and non-fiction books ahead of our non-fiction unit on information texts.

English Lesson 10.09.19 - Autumn Walk


Today Woodpeckers went on an Autumn walk to gather some ideas ahead of some Autumn writing this week! We were thinking about our senses and what we could see, hear, feel and smell, using our imaginations to help. This will help us write an Autumn setting in tomorrow's lesson!

Maths Lesson 9.09.19 - Place Value


The new Woodpeckers have been looking at place value. Today we looked at ways to represent 2-digit and 3-digit numbers using base-10 equipment and drawings.